Black Diamond Primrose Harness Size

Elevate your climbing experience with our Black Diamond Primrose Harness Collection. Featuring advanced designs and innovative technologies, each harness in this collection prioritizes comfort and performance for every climbing endeavor. The Long Haul Harness is perfect for big wall climbs, offering extra padding and multiple gear loops for efficiency on your ascent. The IAD Double Gear Sling keeps your gear organized and is lightweight for a breathable fit. Need something to handle serious aid climbing? The Heavy Metal Gear Sling includes a fully rated chest harness with ample storage options and ventilation. For those long days on the rock, the Solution Harness employs Fusion Comfort Technology for optimal load distribution and freedom of movement. Finally, the Zone Harness, designed for sport climbing and alpine missions, combines lightweight performance with seamless technology for a superior fit. Each piece is crafted with durability and functionality in mind, ensuring you're well-equipped for any climbing challenge ahead. Explore the collection and find your perfect fit today!