Trad climbing requires a lot of gear, and it can be quite confusing knowing exactly what you need and what you should buy. If you don't want to deep dive into the gear rabbit hole, here is a summary of some of our favorite pieces of gear.
Core Cams
The core of any trad rack are your cams. Cams are quick to place, hold exceptionally well, and are easy to clean. They will hold anywhere from 8-12kN if placed well which is plenty for most lead falls. A common term used to describe a set of cams is ‘a standard rack’. This generally refers to a set of 6 cams ranging from a Black Diamond C4 size 0.4 to #3. While there are bigger and smaller sized cams available, building your rack around this core set of cams is a fantastic way to get started, and will equip you to tackle a wide variety of sizes without spending thousands of dollars. For your first standard rack of cams, we recommend sticking with a dual axle design. This style of cam provides much greater range than the single axle variety, which is extremely valuable in these larger sizes.

Camalot C4 Cams
Tier benefits:
Tier benefits:
The Black Diamond C4 cams are the industry standard for cam size and color. When these were first released, they were the only dual axle cam available. Now, many other brands also sell a dual axle design, all of which follow the same general color and size range that the C4’s first pioneered. The C4 is exactly what you expect out of a cam and nothing more. They feature anodized lobes, a thumb loop, and a fixed-length nylon sling. These cams are some of our favorites to place due to their exceedingly smooth action.
- Big range
- Smooth action
- Fixed length nylon sling

Tier benefits:
Tier benefits:
Almost identical to C4s in terms of lobe shape, the dual axle and thumb loop equipped Wild Country Friends are $5 cheaper than the C4 and come with an extendable sling. The set of 6 cams saves you about $15 when compared to buying them individually. Head to head against a C4, they have a 10% wider head. That is not a terrible thing for bigger cams, but typically narrow head will fit in more places. We don't recommend replacing a single C4 with one of these if you have a C4 rack already, as the size range is ever so slightly different.
- Big range
- Extendable sling
- Wider than C4
Dragon Cams
Tier benefits:
Tier benefits:
The DMM Dragon cams are a natural evolution of the dual axle cam design of the C4. They come in roughly the same sizes and colors, but feature a shorter, slightly more flexible stem, a longer, extendable Dyneema sling, and sandblasted lobes. DMM opted to remove the thumb loop in order to allow sling extension without loss of strength. At up to 14kN, the DMM dragon cams have the highest strength rating of the cams we carry. In most sizes, this looks like a 2kN gain over the equivalent sized C4. The only downside we can find is the Dragon’s lack of thumb loop, which takes some getting used to.
If you purchase the Dragons individually they have a slightly higher price than C4s. However, the Set 0-5 option saves about $25 compared to a full set of C4s.
- Long extendable sling
- Sandblasted lobes
- Set reduce overall cost per cam
- No thumb loop
Small Cams
Some placements require a cam that is smaller and narrower than the larger C4 style cams allow. At and below a C4 0.5 sized crack, we think it is worth specifically choosing a cam with a narrower head as they are generally easier to place in these more marginal, thin, and uneven cracks.