Our Data, Private Content, and PDF Downloads
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See our new central location for spreadsheets and graphs. We will be adding to this constantly and will let you know via the email newsletters when we do.
This video is NOT going public. It's only for my email subscribers and supporters. Add a little friction = more over sharing. Sharing financial details requires context so here's a whole bunch . Thanks for going on this journey with me.

Previous Update Videos
PDF Downloads
100% of our info is 100% free

The Bolting Bible
- In a blog form is HERE
- BOLTING BIBLE PDF - English, Portuguese & Chinese

The Big Wall Bible
- In a blog form is HERE
Free Graphing Software for the LS3
We spent 2 years finding a way to make it this simple. Just drag and drop your CSV files from your linescale 3 on this PAGE of our website and it automatically makes graphs.