Dmm Carabiners Recall

Discover our 'DMM Carabiners Recall' collection, featuring a selection of innovative and trusted carabiners designed for both industrial and recreational use. This collection highlights the exceptional strength and versatility of DMM products, including the renowned Revolver with its integrated pulley wheel for efficient rope management, the all-purpose WallDO for various climbing scenarios, the secure Ceros Screwgate for optimal belaying, and the ultra-lightweight Phantom models that offer maximum protection with minimal weight. Each carabiner is crafted with advanced features like I-Beam construction and Keylock nose designs, ensuring high performance and reliability in every adventure. Explore the collection and find the perfect carabiner to elevate your climbing experience.

150 products

WallDO Sale price$11.50
Revolver Sale price$39.95
Ceros Screwgate
Ceros Screwgate Sale price$23.95
Phantom Screwgate
Phantom Screwgate Sale price$15.95
Phantom Wiregate
Phantom Wiregate Sale price$11.50
XSRE Sale price$15.95
Camp Carabiner Recall
Dmm Carabiner Recall
Dmm Carabiners Uk
Dmm Carabiners Recall