
EPISODE: Aid Climbing - Hooking and Nutting

The Big Wall Bible
Knowledge is zero grams. Take it with you.This is free resource by HowNOT2 that will help you get up big rocks. Big walling is a big topic so we broke it into bite-size "pitches" with a video to START each one. The aim is to have lots of videos, photos, and written content in each section, not just by us, but from others as well.
This book is in a blog format. This page points to all 14 chapters, and the end of each chapter points to the next.
A downloadable PDF is available HERE.
Be a top-rope tough guy

Ryan top roping Andrea on her first hook placement
Pro Tip: DON'T practice standing on the ground! You will land on the ground if it comes out and bust an ankle. You don't get cool kudo points for your injury if you were just being dumb. Top rope or just rope up and lead something instead.
Pounding Peckers
Careful getting dirty

Gear UP ⬆
"Standard" aid rack
A double set of totems (exclude orange), aliens, offset aliens and C4s #0.75 to #3 will give you about 4 options for every placement. 2 sets of offset micro nuts, 1 set of offset normal nuts, 2 cam hooks, 1 grappel, 1 talon and a handful of rivet hangers is the special sauce to the hard spots. This is an amazing base rack that is surprisingly light for having about 60+ pieces of gear.
Big Cams
Something you'd whip on

These are the easiest to place but there are things to know. Don't cross the tips of the lobes
or it is over-cammed. That doesn't make them less reliable, but you have to squeeze it more in
order to get them to come out. If the cam doesn't sit well, try flipping it over. Set them in
the direction they will be when you weight them or fall on them. Don't just stick them
perpendicular to the wall or it will shift so much it may no longer be a good piece. "Walking"
is when the cam wiggles back and forth as you move your rope up your climb. Flexible stems like
Aliens really help prevent this but so do extending your clip in point with slings. Cams slip
more often than break in our tests so if a crack constricts at all, it can be amazing to place
it like a nut, but this can make "walking" even worse if you're not mindful.
Offset cams is where two of the 4 lobes are smaller than the other two. Piton scars are rounded
out and so the back of the hole is smaller than the front. Always place an offset with the small
lobes in first.

Double axles give bigger range
Double axles give you a lot more range. Black Diamond Camalot C4s are the best cams for everything from small hands and up. Below the green #0.75, aliens and totems way out perform them. Single axle cams like Metolius or Trango is sub par and a waste of your money. Totems get away with single axles because their lobes are shaped uniquely.

Offsets have different size lobes
Alien offsets have a soft metal to bite the rock better, a better shape of a lobe, and a more flexible stem which is essential to not lever the cam out of a pod. Metolius offset cams are cheaper but they sucked so badly I gave mine away to someone who didn't know better. Buying gear that doesn't work, means you have to buy it again later which costs more money in the long term. Take fewer better cams if you are strapped for cash.

Small Cam Party: Black totem, black alien, #000 C3
Totems can be placed in a sketchier placements because only two lobes have to hold to clip to and get to your next placement. That might not hold a fall with just two lobes, but it's fine for an aid placement. The blue and black Totem have a cult around them, but the biggest one (orange) isn't really any better than a #1/#2 Black Diamond C4.
Small Cams
Wow, it's holdin.... ahhhhh

Bomber micro nut
Micro Nuts
Only offsets should exist
DMM brassies are made of soft brass so they bite the rock well and the non parallel sides, or "offset" shape, make them fit at the base of piton scars where it is smaller in the back of the crack/hole than the front. The tiniest one might make you pucker a little but the biggest one is something you could whip on.
Bring 2 blue nuts with every rack

Biggest micro nut next to smallest
Don't waste your time, money or weight - Don't big wall with these.
Cliff Hanger & Grapple Hooks
Crimpers without tendons
Don't climb 5.13s? No problem, this hook can crimp that for you! You might be shocked how solid a hook placement can be and how much you can shift around and it doesn't pop off. Other times, you might not understand how it is staying on that round crystal you set it on. Most of the time, if a hook move is required, there is a place for that hook. You can file down the edges so it's a bit more narrow allowing it to fit in more places. It's the base of the hook that gives it stability. If you are only going to carry 1 or 2, carry the medium or bigger one as they also can do smaller spots; but smaller hooks can't do bigger hook placements. Talons have 3 hooks sizes and offers a solid base, however it can't get over a "jug" like a bigger hook can. A single 5.6 jug on an ocean of 5.14 granite is often times just hooked so read the topo to see what you might need. Always carry at least 1 medium one and 1 talon.Instead of drilling bolts, sometimes the first ascentionist just drilled a shallow angled hole for a small hook like the talon to fit in. It's pretty damn bomber for what it is but keep your eye out for what looks like a wood pecker hole if you don't see anything obvious.

EPISODE: Big Wall Hooks Tested
Cam Hooks
Sideways hooks

Inverted cam hook by VDiff
Smash them, passively place them, or just make jokes about them
You can hook a thin crack that bottoms out or gets very narrow very quickly. If it is a place many peckers have been before, you can just place yours in there without pounding it. These can be passively placed and therefore considered clean but if you are on hard routes, you hammer them in and you can tell if they sit well or never got secure and you can't smash them anymore. You would just try the next size up then.
There are left and right angled peckers in case the crack is in a corner and the swaged cable would get pinched if you were to use a straight pecker. it can help to pre-install webbing in the eye at the back of the pecker head so you can clip a funkness device to it to remove it later.
Angled Pitons
Metal tacos or big wall forks.
Mostly only useful for a heavy big wall fork. Cams replace the need for these but piton scars were formed by the exact same piton being used for decades, you could just cut one in half with an angle grinder called sawed offs and passively set them in there and can be super bomber enough.
Lost Arrows
Expensive Metal Wedges

Lost Arrow Piton
Knife Blades
Sheet metal with eyelets
Same idea as a lost arrow, but thinner.
Metal postage stamps.
If you can't use peckers because the crack is too shallow, you might have to use these
Nuts you smash
Even if you never place one, you are likely to clip a head if you climb long enough. These get placed in pockets that can't take any other gear and if there is no constriction, just the friction of the metal to the rock is all that is holding you. If it doesn't have a cable anymore, as those can wear out first, place a pecker on top of the dead head to still use it. The circle shaped heads are for horizontal cracks.
Copper heads are a harder metal and therefore better for smaller cracks and aluminum heads are softer. #2s and #3s are the most commonly used sizes. Place the cable side of the head deeper inside the crack to avoid hitting the cable with the hammer. Smashing this on the rock with a chisel is called pasting because you hope it sticks! It might help to carry different size chisels and be sure to have them all tethered.
Practice, but do it on a shit boulder in the middle of nowhere and funk out what you put in. Don't smash these in on rocks people climb unless it's on an aid route that calls for it.
What's Next?

Big Wall Episode #7 - Knots